Getting Ready for Your EV Charger

Thank You for Choosing Triad Electrical Services!

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Thank you for trusting us with your home or business place. We want you to have the best experience with the least amount of inconvenience. To accomplish this goal, we need your help with a little preparation before our visit…

Please note: Inclement weather or rain may delay or affect your booking schedule.
Thank you so much for your cooperation – it helps us do a better job for you. We look forward to serving you!

Before Your EV Charger Installation

After Your EV Charger Installation

*IMPORTANT*. Please do not call the city/town to schedule your own appointment. This will further delay the process & may result in additional reinspection fees.


The process will remain exactly the same for all
customers applying for the Duke EV Charger Prep
Credit. There are just a few additional tips to

*Within a fews days of your inspection being complete, be on the lookout for an email from us. This email will contain your inspection form and itemized invoice. These are the two items you will need from us in order to submit the duke rebate application.
*DO NOT start your rebate application until you have received the final email from us containing your inspection form & itemized invoice.